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Authorities Take a Suspect into Fatal Street Shooting Clouds


ST. CLOUD (WJON News) -- Police have arrested a suspect in connection with a fatal shooting that happened last month.

The St. Cloud Police Department says officers responded to a report of multiple shots fired in the 700 block of 6th Avenue South just before 4:00 a.m. on October 22nd. When police arrived, they found several people at the home.

Authorities say a disagreement during the gathering at the home led to a shooting. The victim, 34-year-old Antonio Harris Jr. of Buffalo, died at the scene. Two other shooting victims, a 26-year-old man and a 52-year-old man, were treated and released from St. Cloud Hospital.

Police say the suspect, 26-year-old Deionte Parker, was arrested on October 27th due to a probation violation. Parker is being held at the Stearns County Jail and has been charged with 2nd Degree Murder with Intent, Felon in Possession of a Firearm, and 2nd Degree Assault with a dangerous weapon.

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Author: Stephanie Hancock

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Name: Stephanie Hancock

Birthday: 2023-09-29

Address: 247 Alyssa Manor, Chavezburgh, AL 37702

Phone: +4397779630193529

Job: Environmental Engineer

Hobby: Chess, Chocolate Making, Camping, Skydiving, Ice Skating, Singing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Stephanie Hancock, I am a exquisite, esteemed, important, unwavering, frank, rare, unguarded person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.