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You could have made this much money with $1 in Bitcoin ten years ago

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When compared to its current worth, the price of a single Bitcoin (BTC) coin was just $13.30 in 2013. This is in stark contrast to the flagship digital asset current value. 

Many investors are kicking themselves for not having put money into Bitcoin in its “early days,” wondering how much money even just $1 put into Bitcoin back then would be worth now.

According to data calculated by Finbold, investors who bought $1 worth of Bitcoin in January 2013 when the digital asset was trading at $13.30 would have seen their investment grow to be worth $1,417 as of January 13, when the price of one BTC was $18,881.

Bitcoin price January 2013. Source: In2013dollars

Notably, this is enough to buy one whole Ethereum (ETH) token at the decentralized finance (DeFi)  assets current price of $1,407. However, investors from January 2013 would have seen the largest return on investment in November 2021 when BTC was trading at an all time high above $69,000.

in Bitcoin

Interestingly, Finbold reported in August last year every 226th person on the planet owned at least $1 in Bitcoin. Data indicated that as of August 26, roughly 35,257,206 addresses are holding at least $1 worth of Bitcoin, according to BitInfoCharts.com statistics

This equated to about 0.4% of the global population, meaning that every 226th person globally potentially owned at least $1 in Bitcoin based on the global population of 7,970,114,580 at the time. 

As of the 13 of January, there are 100,000 fewer holders of $1 worth of Bitcoin, bringing the total number of holders to 35,136,414. However, it is worth mentioning that in some cases, one individual might own more than one Bitcoin address. For instance, an investor can have an address to more than one crypto wallet. 

Support for BTC

Notably, supporters of cryptocurrencies are advocating for widespread use of cryptocurrencies, noting Bitcoin’s multiple benefits over traditional fiat currencies. These advantages include the convenience of Bitcoin’s transactions, as well as its lower fees and quicker transfer times. However, there is still a lot of work to be done before the asset is used everywhere. 

It is reasonable to infer that the people holding $1 are retail investors, as they make up the vast majority of the cryptocurrency market. Notably, the surge of retail investors is being pushed in part by the fear of missing out  (FOMO), in addition to efforts to test the waters with cryptocurrency trading. 

On the other hand, while a single Bitcoin unit is relatively costly, holding only one dollar’s worth of the asset is, as a result, within the financial means of the vast majority of people whether that be today or back in 2013.


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Author: Scott Ortiz

Last Updated: 1698020762

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Name: Scott Ortiz

Birthday: 2010-05-14

Address: 47420 Brian Junction Suite 952, North Michaelborough, FL 85071

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Job: Market Research Analyst

Hobby: Motorcycling, Web Development, Raspberry Pi, Snowboarding, Cocktail Mixing, Horseback Riding, Skydiving

Introduction: My name is Scott Ortiz, I am a cherished, Determined, proficient, tenacious, strong-willed, sincere, dedicated person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.